Canada, Ontario Repair and Storage Liens Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. R.25. The repairer has the right to sell an article that is subject to a lien in accordance with Part III (Redemption, Sale or Other Disposition) upon the expiration of the 60 (sixty) day period following the day, (a) on which the amount required to pay for the repair comes due; or (b) on which the repair is completed, if no date is stated for when the amount required to pay for the repair comes due. R.S.O. 1990, c. R.25, s. 3 (3).
However, If you are a REPAIR COMPANY and refuse to repair after receiving an estimate, you will be charged a fee of $55.
If you have agreed to a repair service, after signing this document, your device will be returned once payment is issued. If payment is withheld, the machine will be kept by a CompFix member until payment is issued. If payment is not issued within 60 days of notifying you that the repair is complete, the laptop will be recycled in accordance with our e-waste management contract or resold. If you are leaving your device for a free estimate, you do not owe us any money. However, if you do not pick up your device within 60 days from the date the estimate is complete, the device will be recycled.
Further, while it is store policy to contact you upon completion of the repair, it is your responsibility to check with us when the repair is complete - “I don't check my voicemail” or “your email went to spam” is not an acceptable excuse to get out of the 60-day rule. The clock on the 60-day rule starts from the moment we enter into our internal notes that a repair job is ready for pickup.
You are authorizing CompFix to repair to your device. You agree to not touch anything during the process to prevent damage. Interfering with the repair voids any warranties.
Payment methods accepted are Cash, VISA, MasterCard, or Discover. No other forms of payment are acceptable, and we reserve the right to keep a device until payment is rendered via an acceptable payment method. For walk-in repairs, the credit card to be used must be swiped for payment – we do not accept credit card numbers for manual entry. For mail-in repairs, we will send you an invoice you can pay by credit card. You must also pay via one method; we do not split payments on different credit cards/cash combinations.
The way we state the condition of the item in the notes of the item prior to repair is a brief overview and does not denote all possible defects & problems with the device to be repaired. This may be edited as more problems are found, even after the form is signed. Any pre-existing defects or future defects that come up as a result of pre-existing defects are not the responsibility of or warranted by, CompFix or any of its members. You accept by signing this document that how we state a device's condition is how it was received, and that no defects or problems we state were caused by us. You acknowledge that CompFix is not liable for any defects or problems with a device unless we specifically take responsibility for such a problem or defect.
We are not responsible for any scratches, dents, dings, etc. Most devices we receive are heavily damaged already. We have very strict procedures on how we handle customer devices so they leave in the same or better cosmetic condition than they came in, but in no way can we be held liable for any perceived cosmetic issues, such as - “this scratch wasn't here when it was dropped off.”
On repair jobs, it is your responsibility to backup your data. You agree to sign a waiver of liability once you send your device for repair. You accept that we are in no way liable for any data on your device for any of our offered services. We do not accept liability for data.
By signing this document, you agree to two points.
The first point is that hard drives are volatile, mechanical storage media that can malfunction at any time.
The second point is that CompFix Repair Co. cannot be blamed, nor be held responsible for any hard drive, solid-state drive, or solid-state hybrid drive malfunction on any machine in our possession.
By signing this document you accept that we are in no way liable for your data.
Limited warranty on service is 3 months on motherboard repairs & replacements. Warranty may be voided by further
physical damage to the device, negligence, or liquid damage. Warranty is only for the specific part we have replaced and not for any other issues or parts on the device. You accept that any future issues with other functions on the device are related to prior shock, not our workmanship.
We offer warranty service only - not refunds.
Warranty does NOT cover a device that is broken again. By signing this document, you accept the following.
The device cannot break on its own. It only breaks if the previously repaired device is submerged again or subjected to physical impact.
It is your responsibility to inspect the device before accepting it to ensure that it has not been returned to you broken.
If a repair goes over the initially approved price - the customer may opt out of the repair, and elect to receive the device back without paying for the repair. However, if repairs that were approved have been completed, and work/parts/time has gone into these repairs, CompFix retains the right to keep any part modified or worked on during the course of such a repair.
For example: if a repair ticket has an approved estimate for a logic board repair and then winds up requiring a battery, keyboard, and a screen, and only board repair was approved - the customer may opt out of repair & pay nothing, but CompFix may retain the logic board that was repaired.
In recognition of the relative risks and benefits of the project to both the Client and the Consultant, the risks have been allocated such that the Client agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to limit the liability of the Consultant to the Client for any and all claims, losses, costs, damages of any nature whatsoever or claims expenses from any cause or causes, including attorneys’ fees and costs and expert witness fees and costs, so that the total aggregate liability of the Consultant to the Client shall not exceed the Consultant’s total fee for services rendered on this project. It is intended that this limitation applies to any and all liability or cause of action however alleged or arising unless otherwise prohibited by law.